Hey LAGERS It’s that time of year again. The bulk grain buy is now live through Apocalypse once more. Friendly reminder that we will be going through BSG this time around. Feel free to place your orders through us. We will be using the same bulk buy form that we used in the Fall and we will once again ask that all payments be submitted and processed BEFORE we place the order with Apocalypse. We do this to avoid ending up with several sacks of unpaid and unaccounted for grain. Note that prices have increased substantially due to many factors…
Hey LAGERS! Just sending an email as a reminder to pay your membership dues if you haven’t already. Your membership dues are what keep LAGERS going! It’s only $20 per year as an individual or $30 for a couple. Click here to pay now. Benefits include: Access to all club events and competitions 2 bulk grain buys per year bulk chemical buys Free tool rental Free jockey box rental And more! That’s it for now. Be on the lookout for our monthly newsletter next week.
Hey LAGERS! Just wanted to drop a quick reminder about our May meeting on the 16th, at 7 PM. Spencer Guy will be joining us to talk about using fruit in your beer. As always, we’ll be at Akasha Brewing. Don’t forget to bring some of your homebrew to share! Click here for the Facebook event.
April LAGERS Newsletter Hello, LAGERS! It was great seeing so many of you at our last meeting. I had some pretty excellent beers, so thank you to everyone that brought beers! Big thanks to our President, Greg for the great presentation on foam and head retention. We’ll link to it below if you missed it or just want to check it out again. Meeting Notes iSpindel batteries are in, which means we now have all the parts. If you asked us to assemble them for you, we’ll be working on that soon. We’re hoping to have everything ready by the…
Hey LAGERS! Just a reminder that our April meeting is this Monday, April 18th, at 7PM. We’ll meet at Akasha Brewing. This month our Club President, Greg Butorin, will be giving a talk on foam and head retention. We’ll also have our newest merch for sale as well (see pics below)! Looking forward to seeing everyone Monday night. Don’t forget to bring your best homebrew!