Hey LAGERS, we’ll be meeting virtually again for September’s monthly meeting on September 21st at 7PM EST. One impromptu program coming out of the current pandemic to support all clubs across the country is the AHA joining virtual club meetings to discuss a selected topic and to meet with club members since we cannot meet in person. The AHA launched the program in April and it ran through June. Given recent staffing changes, they had to reevaluate the program to make it work for the current staff levels and work load. We are pleased to announce that the LAGERS have…
This week, we’re back on Zoom for our monthly meeting. This time, we’re going to be evaluating two beers against BJCP guidelines. If you signed up for training, make sure to print out two copies of the BJCP scoring sheet and to pick up your beer from Brewgrass Homebrew Supply. If you did not sign up, you’re still welcome to join for the general updates portion of the meeting. You can find the full information about this month’s meeting here. Facebook Event Link Zoom Meeting Information: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84101435579?pwd=V0lqMG5UNUFGWSt2L0lJVmoxTmpGUT09 Meeting ID: 841 0143 5579 Password: 340998
This year, the Louisville Ale Trail crew is back at it again with exciting news for Louisville Beer Week 2020. If you haven’t gotten a chance to see the announcement where breweries all over town were matched up for collaborations, you can watch it here. The LAGERS were asked to participate this year and we were thrilled to say YES! For Louisville Beer Week, the club was paired with our old host and friends at Goodwood Brewing and Distilling. To make things interesting, we decided to revive the pro-am competition with a slight twist. Louisville Beer Week this year is…
Hey LAGERS, in light of recent news, the officers have all agreed to hold the August meeting virtually. To keep things fun and educational, we will be doing BJCP training with two different beers. The two beers will be available for pickup from August 1st until August 17th, which is our meeting date. Pickup will be at Brewgrass Homebrew Supply during their business hours. If you are not able to pickup during their open hours, please make separate arrangements with Greg Butorin in advance. Fill out the form below if you are interested in participating in the meeting so that…