Hey LAGERS! Bulk grain buy orders are due by midnight! Send them to houseofbarley@gmail.com. Click here details and the order form.
Hey LAGERS! Lots of news to get out, so I figured I’d write up a quick newsletter. Bulk Grain Buy Bulk grain orders are due TOMORROW (10/21/22). Click here for the blog post with instructions and a link to the order form. Please hold off on payments for now while we work out some issues with PayPal. October Meeting We had a great turnout for the October meeting! I gave a quick talk about Oktoberfest, and we did a blind tasting of several Oktoberfest beers. Fun was had by all! Make sure you come on out to the November meeting…
Hey LAGERS! Just a quick reminder about our meeting this Monday at 7 PM. We’ll be meeting at Akasha, as usual. This month we’ll have a talk about Oktoberfest. Some history, style guidelines, recipe overview, etc. Then we’ll do a tasting of commercial examples. Some local, some national, and even a few from Munich. We’ll also have our best beer of the meeting competition. It’s pretty informal; try all the homebrew and vote for your favorite! This month we’ll be giving away a cool LAGERS lager glass to whoever wins the vote (see picture). Their recipe will also be featured…
Hey Lagers! It’s that time of year again for ordering bulk grains. We will order through Country Malt, so check out this link for more info on their maltsters: https://www.flipsnack.com/countrymaltgroup/catalog/full-view.html There’s no doubt that prices are going up significantly on European malts, but there are a ton of good North American alternatives that have not gone up in price. This will be your best opportunity to save money on brewing supplies, especially overpaying per recipe or by the pound. So, go in with a friend, maybe try a new malt, get some storage containers, split a sac – do what…
Hey LAGERS! Welcome to your October newsletter! This one will be pretty short, just a few house cleaning items and reminders. Yappy Hour Brewers: Yappy Hour is November 12th! Even if you aren’t brewing a beer this year, please come out and support this awesome event! And we are always looking for volunteers to help set up and tear down. Here is the remaining timeline for those brewing beer for Yappy Hour. Leah has already said we can come by whenever the brewery is open, so the drop-off dates and the rest are flexible. Just make sure you have your…