Just a quick reminder about our meeting this Monday at 7 PM. We’ll be meeting at Akasha, as usual.
This month we’ll have a talk about Oktoberfest. Some history, style guidelines, recipe overview, etc. Then we’ll do a tasting of commercial examples. Some local, some national, and even a few from Munich.
We’ll also have our best beer of the meeting competition. It’s pretty informal; try all the homebrew and vote for your favorite! This month we’ll be giving away a cool LAGERS lager glass to whoever wins the vote (see picture). Their recipe will also be featured in November’s newsletter. So, bring your best!
Also, just a quick reminder that the Fall bulk grain buy is open! Orders need to be in by 10/21. Click here for details.
Here is a link to the Facebook event. If you are going, please say you are attending on the invite so I can be sure to have enough Oktoberfest!