We’ve been brainstorming ideas to get more folks brewing, especially styles outside of their comfort zone. Club member Jacob Dryer had a great idea that he brought with him from one of his previous homebrew clubs. A year long, club only competition! Participating members brew a different style each quarter and club members pay a dollar to vote for their favorite. Each contest, the contestant with the most votes wins half of the pot. At the end of the year the member with the most points is crowned the LAGERS Cup Champion and wins the other half of the combined…
BJCP Training Class Important info (TLDR): LAGERS is happy to announce that we will be putting on a BJCP training course in 2024. This course will last 10-14 weeks, meeting once a week. It will cover everything you need to know to take the BJCP Beer Judging Exam. The course will be administered by Craig Gardone, with help from many other BJCP judges from the area (and maybe some special guest teachers!). The course will be $150, all of which will go towards purchasing beers for each style in the BJCP Style Guidelines. Any money left over will be refunded…
The time has come again! Load up on grain and chemicals for the Winter brewing season. You must be a due paying member to participate! Email lagersclub@gmail.com if you are unsure if you are paid up. CLICK HERE TO DOWNLOAD THE ORDER SHEET
The National Homebrew Competition is the largest home- brew competition in the world, judging 4,335entries from 1,708 homebrewers across 50 states, Washington, D.C., and 13 countries. To progressfrom the first round to the finals is an accomplishment unto itself, but to bring home an NHC medalis one of the most difficult feats in homebrewing. Several members of the LAGERS have had success in the final round of the NHC, winning severalsilvers and bronzes, but not the coveted gold medal. That is, until this year when Alex Rezmerskibeat out 131 other entries to bring home gold at the NHC. We visit…
The Brewers. Bob and Louie can be found brewing most every Sunday morning in Louie’s Germantown garage. Over the years they have tinkered to create the gadgets that make up their Germantown Engineered Brew Line, complete with watercraft lift, automated sparging-gizmo and super cooler with filter. Louie sets the tone for brewing; and Bob runs sanitation and quality control (drinking). These long time friends and neighbors enjoy brewing almost as much as their “inventory reduction” events held frequently on Friday afternoon in the beer garden behind their brewery. Or as some would describe it, a large group of people drinking…