Hey LAGERS, Hometown Brewing Co. has offered to can our homebrew, just in time for the holiday season! Your own cans of homebrew will be great as a gift for your loved ones, or just to share. You must be a LAGERS member to participate. We’ll keep registration open until the 31st of October, so you have plenty of time to decide how much beer you want to can. We don’t need an exact amount for the quantity when you sign up, we just want to have some idea what to expect. Follow this link to sign up. When: Saturday,…
Hey LAGERS, Quick reminder that entries for the LAGERS/Goodwood Pro-Am competition are due tomorrow at the NuLu Goodwood taproom by close of business (10PM). Remember, it’s 3 unmarked bottles per entry and please include your beer name, recipe details, and contact info with each entry. Details and registration for the competition can be found by following this link. Cheers, and good luck!
Hey LAGERS, we’ll be meeting virtually again for October’s monthly meeting on October 19th at 7PM EST. As the pandemic continues, more and more brewing organizations are reaching out to clubs to stay in touch and spread the love of brewing. This month we are excited to announce special guest: Imperial Yeast. The team at Imperial expressed a desire to get to meet us, share some virtual pints, and talk about all things yeast. Since we recently had a virtual meeting on the topic of yeast management and propagation, we agreed to change it up a bit and discuss proper…
Hey LAGERS, we’ll be meeting virtually again for September’s monthly meeting on September 21st at 7PM EST. One impromptu program coming out of the current pandemic to support all clubs across the country is the AHA joining virtual club meetings to discuss a selected topic and to meet with club members since we cannot meet in person. The AHA launched the program in April and it ran through June. Given recent staffing changes, they had to reevaluate the program to make it work for the current staff levels and work load. We are pleased to announce that the LAGERS have…
This week, we’re back on Zoom for our monthly meeting. This time, we’re going to be evaluating two beers against BJCP guidelines. If you signed up for training, make sure to print out two copies of the BJCP scoring sheet and to pick up your beer from Brewgrass Homebrew Supply. If you did not sign up, you’re still welcome to join for the general updates portion of the meeting. You can find the full information about this month’s meeting here. Facebook Event Link Zoom Meeting Information: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84101435579?pwd=V0lqMG5UNUFGWSt2L0lJVmoxTmpGUT09 Meeting ID: 841 0143 5579 Password: 340998