Hey LAGERS! It’s that time of the year! Time for our club’s Spring bulk grain buy. Thank you to Christopher Owen and Leah Dienes for bringing this all together for us. Here is the link to catalogue and order sheet. Please send all orders to houseofbarley@gmail.com and CC: lagersclub@gmail.com. Please note that any orders paid via CC or PayPal will be subject to a processing fee. If you’d like to avoid this charge, you can pay with cash or check. If you cannot attend the pickup in person, please pay via PayPal or CC to ensure we can pay Leah…
Hey LAGERS! If you missed this month’s meeting, we had a nice chat about hop water. Special thanks to Brandon and Evan for that! I learned a lot and going to make some of my own this weekend. If you decide to make some yourself, bring some to the next meeting and we can all compare notes! The April meeting is on April 17th. We’ll have CT Owen and Jason Rosenberger with two identical SMaSH Vienna Lagers, one with American malt (Briess) and one with German malt (Best). We’ll do a taste test and decide which we like best! Lots…
March Meeting Reminder Join us for our monthly meeting this Monday, the 20th, at 6:30 pm. As always, we’re meeting at Akasha Brewing. Check out the Facebook Event here.
Hey LAGERS! February Meeting Just a quick reminder that our meeting is Monday, 6:30 PM, at Akasha Brewing. This month we’ll have Buddy, head brewer from Monnik, in to talk ph! Should be a great talk, so plan to come down, have a beer, and nerd out. Buddy promised to keep it simple, so you won’t need a PHD to take something from this talk. PS – Starting this month, all the presentations will be live streamed for those that can’t make it. We’ll also record them and put them up on the website. This month’s presentation will start at…
Tailspin Update If you are dropping off beers for the tailspin competition today (1/17) or tomorrow, they will go to the President’s house. Please email me at lagersclub@gmail.com for the address. If you are dropping off on Thursday or Friday, you can do so during Apocalypse’s normal business hours. Member Survey Every year we will survey our members to get a better understanding of the people who make up LAGERS. Please take a few minutes to fill out the survey as it will help us decide the direction for LAGERS in the new year. Click here to take the survey!