Next Meeting on July 15: Belgian Deep Dive
LAGERS is meeting at Akasha on Monday, July 15th, at 6:30pm for our regular monthly meeting. Bring your thoughts and questions about the Belgian Single and Dubbel styles as you prepare for Round 3 of the LAGERS Cup.
LAGERS Treasurer Christopher Owen will present about the styles and lead a discussion on the topic. Before the meeting, review the BJCP style guidelines and/or listen to podcasts about the styles.
Meetings are open to non-members. Invite friends who are interested in brewing.
We will also have our monthly BBOT, so bring a homebrew for some feedback!
Officer Transition: Vice President

Please welcome Jacob Dryer as the new Vice President of the club. Jacob has already had a big impact on the club this year — He brought the idea for the LAGERS Cup from a previous club and has made this intra-club competition possible.
Thank you Brandon Schaefer for your contributions and leadership as VP!
State Fair 2024: August 10
Party at the State Fair
LAGERS is hosting a party at the State Fair homebrew competition during the best-in-show judging, starting around 3:30pm on Saturday, August 10. Come enjoy some homebrews from the competition on tap and light snacks while we wait for the awards ceremony.
You will get the chance to chat with and learn from a lot of homebrewers and judges from around the region. Don’t miss out on some great beers and a fun afternoon!
Judge or Steward at the State Fair
Volunteer to judge or steward at the State Fair. If you’ve never volunteered at a competition before, the State Fair is a great introduction. And, there will be a great party before the awards ceremony.
Congrats to New BJCP Judges

Several LAGERS members became BCJP judges after getting the results from their tasting exams. Congrats to our new judges! We look forward to seeing you at the State Fair and future competitions.
Thanks to the many volunteers who made this possible, especially Craig Gardone! And a special thanks to Christopher Owen, Gordon Strong, Sandy Cockerham, and Leah Dienes.
Interested in becoming a BJCP judge? Email We will host another class and exam once we have enough interest.
Meeting at Awry: August 19
Our monthly meeting in August will be held at Awry Brewing.
Yappy Hour Brew-in: August 25
The more beer we brew, the more money we raise for the Humane Society!
Join LAGERS at Apocalypse for our annual Yappy Hour Brew-in. If your brewing equipment is mobile, bring it to Apocalypse to brew a batch for Yappy Hour.
If your brewing equipment is not mobile, plan to brew on August 25th: Bring your wort to Apocalypse, and pitch your yeast at the brewery.
Interested in learning more about homebrewing techniques? Join us at the brew-in to see how LAGERS members brew their beers.
Tailspin Entries Opening Soon
Stay tuned for more information soon about the Tailspin Ale Fest 2025 homebrew competition.
Previous Meeting: LAGERS Cup (Kölsch)
We are officially halfway through the LAGERS Cup! The Cup is still anyone’s to win after two rounds, though Tim M has taken the lead after back-to-back second-place finishes. (Winner of each round receives 10 points, 9 if tie. Runner-up receives 8 points, 7 if tie. Entrants receive 4 points.)

The points system favors participation. Many members are one win or runner-up finish away from being in contention. Thanks to the 19 members who have submitted so far. LAGERS Cup meetings have been a huge success.

Congrats to Craig M for coming in first place for Round 2. We asked him a couple of questions about his Kölsch and his plans for the next round.

What did you learn about Kölsch while brewing this batch for the LAGERS Cup?
Craig: I learned that patience helped a lot here. I left the beer in primary long enough to be sure that the yeast cleaned everything up, and then conditioned at 50 degrees for 3 weeks. Kölsch is a pretty subtle beer so I wanted to make sure I took care of any off flavors.
Without giving too much away, how are you approaching your Belgian for the next round?
Craig: For the Belgian I plan to let the yeast do most of the work. Keeping the grain and hop bills pretty simple but taking care to pick the right strain, make a healthy starter, and control my fermentation temperatures to let the yeast character shine. I’m about to tap my practice batch so we’ll see how it goes!