Next Meeting: February 17 | Terpenes

Join LAGERS for our monthly meeting at Akasha Brewing at 6:30. Announcements and discussion starting at 7:00.
This month, club member Evan Brill will discuss using terpenes in beer. We’ll sample some beer with and without terpenes. Read up on terpenes before the meeting:
- What Role Do Terpenes Play in the Craft Beer Revolution?
- A Beginner’s Guide to Liquid Hop Terpenes: How Oast House Oils Is Changing Hops

If you are bringing beer(s) for the monthly BBOT, please try to bring at least 24oz if possible. Of course, you can submit any amount of homebrew for the table, but the bottles are starting to go quickly due to growing attendance at our meetings (a good problem to have).
We are hoping to give more members a chance to sample all the beers before submitting their vote. Thanks to the many members who are already bringing 32-64oz!
Submit Your Beer to a Competition
2025 LAGERS Cup
Join LAGERS at the first round of the 2025 LAGERS Cup on March 17. As a reminder, the new year is a fresh start. All point totals go back to zero as Tim Moore looks to defend his title against steep competition.
If you are submitting an American Pale Ale, please bring at least 64oz and sign in your beer as soon as you arrive.
If you are planning to vote, please bring $5. We are increasing the voting fee this year to sweeten the pot. All proceeds go to the round winners and Cup champion: half of the pot to that round’s winner and the other half of each pot to the overall winner.
Five dollars will also get you six caps. We are adjusting the voting system to give voters more say over which beers they like best. Please bring your questions to the February 17 meeting.

Trellis West Coast IPA Competition

National Homebrew Competition
Submit your beer to the National Homebrew Competition!
The closest judging city to Louisville is Indianapolis.
- Registration deadline: February 19
- Entry receiving window: March 5 to March 15
- Judging dates: March 28 and 29
Shipping/drop off location is Great Fermentations (5127 E 65th St, Indianapolis IN 46220). They are open 10am – 6pm, Monday thru Saturday. (CLOSED on Sunday.)
We have several members submitting to Indy, so you may be able to coordinate with them to get your beer up there. Email or comment here for more info. We also have packaging to make sure your beer safely gets to Indy. (First come, first serve!)
You must be an AHA member to enter this competition. If you sign up or renew your AHA membership, please use code LAGERS so the club can get a kickback.
For full information: AHA First Round National Homebrew Competition 2025 – Indianapolis – Register now | BAP
KY State Fair
Don’t let the Fair sneak up on you! We’re about six months away, so make a plan to brew your submissions. Start saving and storing two bottles from your batches.
LAGERS @ Bluegrass Cup
Congrats to:
- Craig Martin: British Bitter (3rd), Dark British (3rd)
- Jon Wurth: IPA (2nd), Fruit and Spiced (2nd)
- Alex Rezmerski: Sour (1st)
And thanks to all the LAGERS judges and stewards who volunteered. It was a great time, and BOCK always appreciates the help.

Mead Judging Exam: Join Facebook Group
Join the LAGERS Mead Exam Study Group if you are interested in becoming a certified mead judge. The group will discuss tips for passing the online exam and prepare for the tasting exam in August.
They are looking to start meeting as early as next month. Join the group now to stay up to date!
Previous Meeting: Distilling
Thanks to Mark Robinson for speaking to the club about distilling!
Coming Up: Officer Nominations in April
Think about nominating yourself or a fellow member for an officer position.
Officers serve one-year terms and are nominated every April and elected during a closed club meeting every May.
Learn more about the roles LAGERS officers play.