• News - Newsletters

    Newsletter: January 2024

    No Regular January Meeting LAGERS will not be holding a regular monthly meeting this month, but we hope to see everyone at the holiday party. Holiday Party: January 13th LAGERS is hosting our holiday party on January 13th at 3pm. See the Facebook event for more details. And special thanks to Craig Gardone for hosting.LAGERS will provide protein and soft drinks. We will also have the jockey box, so bring a keg! And sign up for the potluck to bring an appetizer, side or dessert. Next Meeting: February 19th at Elixir Kombucha Our next regular LAGERS meeting will be at…

  • Newsletters

    LAGERS July Newsletter

    LAGERS July Newsletter July Meeting Recap We had absolutely fantastic attendance at our July meeting.  I’m sure that was in no small part because of our fantastic guest speaker, Ameila Pillow of Shippingport Brewing!  She gave a informative talk about foraging for ingredients to brew with.  She even floated a possible collab next year where we’d partner with Olmstead Parks to pick invasive species and then brew a beer with it! Hopefully more to come on that later. She referenced a book during her talk, and I’ve had several folks ask me about it since.  Here it is: The Homebrewer’s…

  • Newsletters

    LAGERS June Newsletter – Yappy Hour Announcement!

    June Newsletter Lots to talk about this month, let’s get into it… June Meeting Recap We had a great turnout at our meeting last week. We had our first Feedback Corner, which paired BJCP judges with homebrewers to get 1 on 1 feedback about their beer.  Everyone involved seemed to find it beneficial, so we hope to continue this every month, permitting we have enough judges. I gave a short talk on Cold IPA vs IPL and we sampled some commercial examples.  Sean spoke about State Fair (go check out the last post on the website for more info!).   As…

  • Newsletters

    LAGERS May Newsletter

    May Newsletter Spring has sprung and it’s Derby time in Louisville! Hoping everyone is having a great year so far.  The bulk grain pickup was a success, I want to thank everyone for being understanding about the extra costs.  Hopefully, freight prices will come down soon. Membership Dues It’s that time of year! Please pay your membership dues if you haven’t already.  We raised the price from $20 to $25 ($30 for couples) to cover rising costs, mostly insurance. There is also a $2 fee for using PayPal, which can be avoided by paying cash at a meeting or event. …

  • Newsletters

    LAGERS March Newsletter

    Hey LAGERS!  If you missed this month’s meeting, we had a nice chat about hop water.  Special thanks to Brandon and Evan for that!  I learned a lot and going to make some of my own this weekend.  If you decide to make some yourself, bring some to the next meeting and we can all compare notes!  The April meeting is on April 17th. We’ll have CT Owen and Jason Rosenberger with two identical SMaSH Vienna Lagers, one with American malt (Briess) and one with German malt (Best).  We’ll do a taste test and decide which we like best! Lots…