Hi LAGERS – Just wanted to remind everyone about a couple of things. First, officer nominations are still open! If you like LAGERS and want it to grow, consider nominating yourself. Officially, the only position with nobody nominated is President. BUT! If that is too much of a commitment for you, please just email us at lagersclub@gmail.com and we’ll find something for you! We just need people willing to dedicate some time to keep the club going. We’ll make up a title for you :) Second, you have until this Friday at midnight to submit recipes for Yappy Hour! Yappy…
Hey LAGERS! Hope you all had a great Labor Day weekend. As we look forward toward planning for 2023, our first order of business is to finalize our club officer elections. If you would like to nominate yourself or someone else (with their permission) for an officer position, please respond to this email. Summaries of officer responsibilities are posted on our website, here. We will collect nominations until Sunday, Sep 11 and then hold the election during our September meeting on Monday, Sep 19. We would like to take a moment to thank Greg for all of his dedication,…
Hey LAGERS! Just sending an email as a reminder to pay your membership dues if you haven’t already. Your membership dues are what keep LAGERS going! It’s only $20 per year as an individual or $30 for a couple. Click here to pay now. Benefits include: Access to all club events and competitions 2 bulk grain buys per year bulk chemical buys Free tool rental Free jockey box rental And more! That’s it for now. Be on the lookout for our monthly newsletter next week.
Hey LAGERS, Each year, the American Homebrewers Association (AHA) hosts a big brew day for all homebrewers across the nation to celebrate our wonderful hobby. It happens to land on derby day each and every year. Due to the virus this year, Derby is postponed and we finally have a chance to participate. We’ll be hosting a virtual meeting on May 2nd (this Saturday) from 8:00 AM to 1:00 PM for anyone that would like to brew with us. It would be a great opportunity to socialize as well as see how everyone brews their beer or sets up their…