
LAGERS October 2018 Newsletter

Upcoming Events

November 4 — Apocalypse Brew-in, Bulk Grain Buy & Fall Competition
November 19 — November Monthly Meeting: Style Guide Brut IPA
December 10-12 — Entries Due for Tailspin Ale Winter Warmer Brew Off
December 13 — Judging for Tailspin Ale Winter Warmer Brew Off
December 17 — December Monthly Meeting:  Dirty Santa Party
December 17 — Brut IPA Tasting & Cumberland Pro-Am Judging
January 4th — Gordon Biersch Pro-Am Entries Due
January 5th — Gordon Biersch Pro-Am Judging
Annual LAGERS holiday party — TBD

Yappy Hour Keg Pickup & Can Sale

If you brewed for Yappy Hour, your kegs are ready for pickup at Apocalypse Brew Works. ABW will also be running a can sale on all of the yappy hour beers. $10 gets your 3 crowler cans of your choice and the proceeds go towards the Kentucky Humane Society. Get them while they last!

November Monthly Meeting

On Monday November 19th, we will start our quarterly/seasonal style guide series where we describe the history, process, and ingredients of a particular style with a beer to try. Brewers are encouraged to brew the style for the next meeting and taste/compare the different beers. The winner of a blind competition will go on to brew at Cumberland with Justin Vasher, former LAGERS vice president and now head brewer. 

This November we will be covering Brut IPA. This up and coming but relatively unknown style is a pale, dry, champagne-like, hoppy IPA. One of the key ingredients, amyloglucosidase, will be available in vials for brewers to try in their next beer.

Apocalypse Brew-In , Bulk Grain Buy, and Fall Competition

Save the date! On the first Sunday of the month, November 4th, we will be getting together at Apocalypse Brew Works to pick up our bulk grain, brew some beer, and judge our annual fall competition. The bulk grain buy survey has been sent out and can be found on the website, email, or Facebook. The brew-in is a great opportunity to get your tailspin ale entries or Gordon Biersch Pro-Am entries brewed up for this years competitions. We will send out a separate e-mail with the Tailspin details. Speaking of competitions, bring a keg or a couple bottles of any fall beer (Marzen, pumpkin beer, wet hopped/fall harvest ales, etc…) to the brew-in and you’ll be eligible for the LAGERS fall competition. Popular beer wins the prize! All details for the day can be found here.

Tailspin Ale Winter Warmer Brew Off

It’s our 5th annual tailspin ale fest competition! The competition will be fierce this year, as it usually is. Get your entries brewed and ready. Submission dates are tentative so be sure to plan accordingly. Link to details. 

Gordon Biersch Pro-Am Competition

It’s that time of year again! Our fifth annual Pro-Am competition hosted by Gordon Biersch. This year we are looking for your best IPAs. English, West coast, East coast, Brut, Belgian, you name it. Original gravity must be no higher than 1.080 and a maximum of 2 entries can be submitted per brewer. More details can be found on our website here.


October LAGERS Recap

This October, Sarah Popko spoke to us about yeast genealogy. We learned about the origins of brewers yeast, how they evolved, and the impacts we have had on the yeast. All of this information can be used to create your own yeast with specific characteristics that you want in your beer like low flocculation, alcohol tolerance, or even phenol or ester secretion. If you are interested in the presentation, it an be found on our website here.

New Merchandise: Dickies Brewers Shirts

The glassware survey did not meet the minimum requirements so we are moving on to our next merchandise item, brewers shirts! These have long been requested and they’re finally here in men’s and women’s cuts as well as 3 different colors. You have until November 19th to order a shirt. Get them while you can! Link to the order form.


Brewer Recipe Highlight

Thank you for doing your part by voting for your favorite beer and allowing us to share beer during our meetings. Congratulations to Craig Gardone for winning the LAGERS monthly competition with his Scotch Wee Heavy. Well done Craig! Craig used a wort reduction alongside his normal mash to create this delicately flavored ale. Notes of dark fruit like raisin, plum, and prune fill the palate. He also suggests brewing with a friend for higher yield. This batch was split with Joy and Dave Roelfs and aged for 6 months. The other half is sitting on oak chips. He was able to partigyle this beer and got a 70 shilling style ale out of the same mash!

A link to the full recipe can be found here.