Apocalypse Brew Works celebrated their fourth anniversary this weekend in true Apocalypse fashion. Good people hanging out in the sunshine drinking fresh beer, with dogs, kids, music and that goofy game with left over 2″ x 4″ pieces. Happy Birthday.
The 2016 NuLu Bock Festival was a huge success. When you start with locally brewed Bock beer, goats, and a sunny day in The Ville what else would you expect. And they are off.
If you want more information on getting involved contact one off our officers or attend the next meeting. 2015-2016 LAGERS Club Officers President CT Owen president@lagersclub.com Vice President Justin Vasher vp@lagersclub.com Treasurer Greg Butorin treasurer@lagersclub.com Secretary Jason Rosenberger secretary@lagersclub.com Committee Chairman Bill Krauth Kentucky State Fair Tim Rosenberger 7912 Nottoway Circle Louisville, KY 40214 502-363-2151 userd4031@bellsouth.net Officers are elected by the general membership and serve a one year term. Elections are held every May during a Closed “Members only” meeting. Nominees should make their desire to run known to any officer by e-mail, phone or during a meeting.
These Belgian Brew Brothers are collaborating to bring you a special Belgian Triple with sweet orange peel as part of this year’s Lagers Homebrew Club-Gordon Biersch PRO-AM event. Head brewer, Nick Landers of Gordon-Biersch, challenged the home brewers to create a special beer using Belgian yeast. Craig Gardone prepared the winning entry. We caught up with the two brewers during brew day at the 4th Street brewery. Proceeds from a special tapping party, February 10th at 6:00pm, benefit the Kentucky Humane Society.
Small batch home-brewer, Mark Robinson, has come full circle on his brewing. We brewed a nice Bock style beer with Mark at his brew table in the basement of his Highlands home and talked about his return to brewing one to 2-1/2 gallon batches of home-brew. Like many brewers, Mark started on the stove top follow instructions (BEER CRAFT). He worked his way up to an elaborate “brew system” with all the pumps and tubes. Mark believes small batch brewing gives him greater flexibility to brew more beers. More importantly, he can brew better beers with less work. The results…