Hey LAGERS We will be holding the bulk grain buy through Apocalypse once more on Sunday, May 23rd. Friendly reminder that we will be going through BSG this time around. Feel free to place your orders through us. We will be using the same bulk buy form that we used in the Fall and we will once again ask that all payments be submitted and processed BEFORE we place the order with Apocalypse. We do this to avoid ending up with several sacks of unpaid and unaccounted for grain. Please email us a filled out form by Saturday, May 1st.…
Hey LAGERS, We’re offering a unique opportunity for club members this year to participate in a bulk cider buy with Huber’s orchard and farm. We will be picking up cider from Huber’s on November 1st. $8/gallon (normally $9) and may go down even further in price if we buy enough. Registration for the bulk buy will end on October 20th. Pickup will be during the canning day at Hometown Brewing on November 7th. Cider is pressed from apples grown on their farm and is flash pasteurized without preservatives or chemicals. It’s perfect for making your own hard cider, drinking fresh,…
Hey LAGERS We will be holding the bulk grain buy through Apocalypse once more on Sunday, November 15th. Friendly reminder that we will be going through CMG this time around. Feel free to place your orders through us. We will be using the same bulk buy form that we used in the Spring and we will once again ask that all payments be submitted and processed BEFORE we place the order with Apocalypse. We do this to avoid ending up with several sacks of unpaid and unaccounted for grain. Please email us a filled out form by Saturday, October 24th.…
Hey LAGERS, Hometown Brewing Co. has offered to can our homebrew, just in time for the holiday season! Your own cans of homebrew will be great as a gift for your loved ones, or just to share. You must be a LAGERS member to participate. We’ll keep registration open until the 31st of October, so you have plenty of time to decide how much beer you want to can. We don’t need an exact amount for the quantity when you sign up, we just want to have some idea what to expect. Follow this link to sign up. When: Saturday,…
Hey LAGERS, Quick reminder that entries for the LAGERS/Goodwood Pro-Am competition are due tomorrow at the NuLu Goodwood taproom by close of business (10PM). Remember, it’s 3 unmarked bottles per entry and please include your beer name, recipe details, and contact info with each entry. Details and registration for the competition can be found by following this link. Cheers, and good luck!